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You want your organisation to adopt
Agile...Kanban...SAFe...Lean Startup...?
We offer the simplest and most collaborative tool to drive your culture shift
Start here !
2 active users
2 active tables
Unlimited playable decks
Access to deck library
Access to video tutorials
No credit card required
10 active users
5 active tables
Unlimited playable decks
Access to deck library
Access to video tutorials
50 active users
20 active tables
Unlimited playable decks
Access to deck library
Access to video tutorials
250 active users
Unlimited active tables
Unlimited playable decks
Access to deck library
Access to video tutorials
How does Pick A Deck work?
List of Available Decks, out of the box!
What are the subscription plans for Pick A Deck?
There are 4 subscription plans:
- DISCOVERY is FREE forever. This gives you the ability to try Pick A Deck with a maximum of 2 players and on up to 2 tables.
- SMALL ADOPTION is 29 €/month. This plan brings the limits to 10 players and up to 5 tables. This is usually enough for a single team.
- MEDIUM ADOPTION is 119 €/month. This plan brings the limits to 50 players and up to 20 tables. This is well suited for an entire department or function.
- LARGE ADOPTION is 299 €/month. This is our biggest plan and brings the limits to 250 players with an unlimited number of tables. This is for company wide initiatives.
If you can't find a suitable plan for your needs, please contact us.Is the DISCOVERY plan really FREE FOREVER?
Yes. When you create your first casino, your plan by default is DISCOVERY. We do not ask for any payment details for this plan.
Can I upgrade my plan easily?
You can upgrade your plan very easily directly in Pick A Deck. You will need to provide payment details to setup your initial paid plan and every time you upgrade to a larger plan.
Can I downgrade my plan easily?
You can downgrade your plan very easily directly in Pick A Deck. You will need to provide payment details every time you downgrade to a smaller plan.
Invoicing/Payment cycles
We will take payment on the day you setup your first paid plan, then on the same day every month. Every started cycle is due. If you upgrade or downgrade, the new payment amount will kick in on the next cycle.
Contact us
©pickadeck-studios 2019